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Neooffice 2014 5 – Mac Tailored Openoffice Based Productivity Suite

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Neooffice 2014 5 – Mac Tailored Openoffice Based Productivity Suite

What is

Another fork of Apache OpenOffice, NeoOffice is specifically available for the Mac OS. In addition to having all the standard features, it adds some Mac OS specific extras like text checking and drag and drop functions. But a major downer with NeoOffice is that it's not compatible with MS Office file formats. NeoOffice is a complete office suite for OS X. With NeoOffice, users can view, edit, and save OpenOffice documents, PDF files, and most Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. NeoOffice 3.x and OpenOffice users: before you buy NeoOffice, we recommend that you click on the 'NeoOffice support' link and read the list of changes. NeoOffice is an office suite for the macOS operating system developed by Planamesa Inc. It is a commercial fork of the free/open source that implements most of the features of, including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation program,. OpenOffice Suite is an open source product developed by The Apache Software Foundation to licensed under the GNU GPL. Source code for OpenOffice Suite can be found here. OpenOffice Suite Specs. is the name of productivity application suite, the project and the website. Please note the .org part of the project name, which is needed for legal reasons.

Users and many organizations benefit from the power and the generous license of the project. The original license even allowed taking all the code, documentation, templates, etc. and not contributing anything back into the project. This resulted in many forks:

  • the core project:
  • StarOffice (from SUN)
  • Lotus Symphony (from IBM)
  • RedOffice (from RedFlag)
  • Go-OOo (from Novell)
  • OxygenOffice
  • NeoOffice (from Planamesa)
  • PlusOffice( from OpenZone)
  • Luxuriosity Office
  • MagyarOffice
  • etc.

There are different kinds of collaboration between the projects. They all have in common that they take the new features, improvements, and the many bugfixes from the core project and extend it to their needs. Some of the projects contribute all their changes back. Some projects contribute developer power for isolating problems. Some projects contribute by writing good bug reports to get the upstream developers involved. Some projects just replace the branding and sell it as their product. Some just take and never give back and instead threaten with lawsuits if the core project touches their niche market.

Neooffice 2014 5 – Mac Tailored Openoffice Based Productivity Suite 2013

Since specialized needs of these forks are sometimes not directly applicable to the core project and the effort needed to integrate their changes into such a complex multi-platform, multi-language office suite require valuable development and testing resources there will always be the temporary need for specialized branches of the core project. The core project aims to be as generally useful as possible, so the need of forks is reduced. Aqua Aqua is the core project with native support for Mac Aqua. Since version 3.0 of was released Mac Aqua is another primary platform of the core project.

Mac OS X port Home: [Mac OS X port Home]Aqua links: [Aqua Version of]Blogs: [Developers blogs]

What is NeoOffice?

NeoOffice is a fork of the core project, which specialized in making it available for Mac OS X independently from's Aqua port mentioned above.

Fork meaning that NeoOffice is another project, and is not The NeoOffice project does not contribute back to and usually does not help to enhance the core project.

Using Java/Cocoa binding, its look is like native integration with the Mac OS X system. This means, for example, native access to all the fonts in Mac OS X a different way than does ( does use all Apple fonts, but not the same way). It is built on top of X11 by using Java/Cocoa bindings for the User Interface (UI).

NeoOffice used a subclause of's license to change it to another license which is incompatible with the core project. so, to avoid legal issues, developers had to rewrite some subsystems, since NeoOffice code cannot be used in Even when the licence for a fork change was compatible with the core project other kinds of legal threats were were used.

More informations in About NeoOffice

Q1: Where can I find or NeoOffice?

A: You can download both from respective sites.

Download from here (

Download NeoOffice from here (

Q2: Why does there seem to be several parallel efforts?

A: This is a very normal situation in open source. And because of historical and personal choices.

This mail from Kevin Hendricks provides some historical details.

If you want to really understand the situation, here's some additional reading for you: History of NeoOffice and, Quote from Patrick may explain some of the licensing situation, and finally, you may also want to read another FAQ

Q3: Where do I get support for Mac/Aqua ?

A: The support page is the starting point for all support related to core project.

Q4: It's OpenSource, so one project should freely use the other projects code

A: Due to license incompatibilities this is not possible.

In the OpenSource world there were always issues with license incompatibilities, e.g. switching the license of revised-BSD-code to GPL has always been legal, the reverse is not true though. Since a change like that is one-way only and prevents the generous original project from receiving fixes from the derived project, this is usually considered an unfriendly act.

Q5: But it would be more efficient, if there would be only one effort...

A: Probably. A proposal to work together has been made, and NeoOffice developers refused. does concern several developers who are working on their free time only. Any change is for project, and the name of the developer who wrote the code does not appear in the code after integration : this is community project.

The NeoOffice project is a Patrick Luby and Ed Peterlin project only.

The problem is : there is curently no possibility for to use NeoOffice code, even if this code is interesting, because of the licensing issues. So every change must be rewritten for project, using another implementation.

Neooffice 2014 5 – Mac Tailored Openoffice Based Productivity Suite Software

A big part of changes are using Java in NeoOffice, and this is as wrote Ed Peterlin, a short term choice. The Java part of NeoOffice is not interesting for since project wants to use only Cocoa/Carbon.

Neooffice 2014 5 – Mac Tailored Openoffice Based Productivity Suite Download

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